Hope and Freedom: Jana’s Path to Independence

With WellPower’s support, Jana completed one of her biggest goals: finding a job she loves

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Before moving to Colorado with her husband in 2015, Jana faced a seemingly endless series of traumatic events. She experienced homelessness, struggled with a substance use disorder and deteriorating mental health. As a Deaf person, she experienced discrimination in a society built for hearing people. At times, she felt hopeless and trapped by her circumstances.

Support and Resources

After starting services with WellPower in 2018, she quickly realized that she had a world of new tools available to her through the multitude of programs offered.

“WellPower, on the whole, is amazing,” says Jana. “They truly pay attention to you, instead of ignoring certain parts of you. Here at WellPower, they listen to you. That is so encouraging, and even more so, it validates who we are as people. This organization and the people who work here have become the safety net I need. The kindness people have shown me is tremendous. WellPower has your back.”

In addition to receiving psychiatry services to manage her bipolar diagnosis, Jana has immersed herself in all that NextChapter, WellPower’s work and education training program, has to offer. She regularly works with Amberley Kropp, a vocational project coordinator at NextChapter.

In a typical session between Jana and Amberley, they talk about Jana’s job search and work together on submitting online applications. Jana has recently completed one of her biggest goals – she found a job that she loves.

“Amberley has supported me in my goals of finding a job and gaining independence,” says Jana. “It’s motivating for me to know Amberley has always had my back. She and I have a great relationship, which is all I could ask for.  She and other folks from NextChapter helped get me hearing aids and a computer, and these tools have been so helpful in getting me to the point of achieving my goals.”

Jana (left) works with Amberley (center) and an ASL interpreter (right) on her employment counseling.

Determination and Resilience

Jana now works as a member of the Clicklist team at King Soopers, a large grocery chain in Colorado. She says the job has improved her happiness and quality of life.

“It keeps my mind from racing,” she says. “It keeps my attention on one thing at a time, instead of having 50 million things dividing it. It helps me so much – the job and the people are amazing. At the end of the day, I’m tired, but it’s a good tired. It’s a good thing for me when I can sit down at the end of the day and feel fulfilled by the work I do.”

Between her work and continued use of WellPower’s services, Jana feels like she has finally gained the ability to be resilient. It has made her more determined than ever to keep pushing forward on her goal for independence.

“I’ve found my stride in life because of WellPower’s support,” says Jana. “I’ve experienced joy for the first time. I can trust myself now. I feel free, and it’s thanks to the people here who truly, deeply care.”