Thank You to Our Donors
We're grateful for our donors who contribute their time, voices and financial support to the WellPower to help create a stronger community through mental well-being.
More than 85 cents of every dollar we spend goes directly to providing treatment, prevention and outreach services to our community.
Individual Donors
Up to $499
Anonymous (31)
Taliah Abdullah*
Peter Abuisi
Jamie Adasi
Aron Adler*
Jane Aiello
Jane Albright
Kristi Aleman
Michael Alexander*
Karen Johnson Allen
Janine Allen*
John and Leah Allison*
Nancy Alterman*
Russ Altman
AmazonSmile Donations*
Lauren Anderson
Jessica Anderson
Douglas Appelt
Melissa Aragon*
Pamela Arceo
ARC Thrift Stores*
Irene Arguelles
Karley Arguello
Gertrude Arnold*
Shelby Baird
The Ballard Group Inc.
Robert and Maeline Barnstable*
Clayton Barrows
Drew Baske
Lawrence Bass and Lynn Robinson
Joe Beachboard
Robert Beale
Leslie Beard*
Joseph Bellipanni*
Maryann Bellisario
Kim Benedict*
The Benevity Community Impact Fund*
Frank and Carla Bennett*
Laura Berger*
Lauren Bergstrand
Eliana Berkoff
Judith Bingenheimer*
Sarah Birkeland
Pamela Bisceglia
Vina Sue Bishop*
Brandon Blankenship
Barry Bloom and Amanda Trosten-Bloom*
Pat Blumenthal
Katie Bonamasso
Barbara Bonner
Douglas Booth
Angel Bordeaux-Contreras
Christina Walstrom Bowen
Julian Bowles
Box Tops for Education*
Brian Boyd
Dan and Jill Boyd
Mark Bragg
Michael Breed and Cheryl Ristig*
Carol Breslau
Tanya Brewer
Michael Briggs
Norm Brisson
Claire Brockbank*
Joseph Bronesky
Pauline Brookhaus*
David Brown
Marla Brown
Margaret Brugger
Carol Bubes
Kirk Buckhout
David and Alice Bullwinkle
John Bundy*
Lance Burkholder
Penny Burton*
Marie Bushman
Patrick Byrne*
Ben and Gail Cahill*
Douglas and Constance Cain
Alicia Calderon
Diana Romero Campbell
Katherine Campbell
Alyssa Canode
Roslyn Cantrell*
Gabrielle Cardwell
Lisa Carlson
Sue Carparelli
Jim Carr and Judy Ross*
Edward and Elaine Carstens
Gregory and Josephine Cennamo*
Barbara and Alan Charnes*
Jim Chavez
Huan-Chieh Chien
Pat and Steve Christiansen
Paul Christiansen*
Anne Christner*
Julie Clark*
Susan Cobb and Kate Shea*
A.J. Cohen
Brian Cohen*
Rochelle and Irwin Cohen
Susan Collopy*
Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council*
Colorado Black Women for Political Action
Rachel Comfort*
Nicole Conny-Checots
Katarina Conway
Lynda Cook
Penny Cook
Elise Cooper
Janet Cornell
Anne Cox*
Kelly Craugh
Pamela Cruz/ Innovest Portfolio Solutions LLC*
Michelle Culver
Pete Dahlstrom
Joyce Dallas
Cindy Dalton
Lindsey and Trevor Daly*
Amanda Daniel
Michelle Danson and David Plume*
Ruth Dashiell
Dawn Davenport*
Efrain Davila
Cheryl Davis
Dominique Davis
Carl and Lynn Dawson
Jackie and Derek DeBenedictis*
Linda DeGruccio
Thomas Delate
Douglas Dell
Jean Denious
April Denmon
Theresa M. Donahue*
Heather Donohue Gragg
Schez and Mike Downey*
Cayleigh Doyle
Kelly Dryer
Tina DuMond
Jessica Dunbar*
Bridgid Dunlap
Laura Durity*
Brenda Dvorak*
Lindie Eads
Brian Eberle
Steve Ebner*
David and Anne Echter*
Jen Egan-Fowler
Charlie Eldridge*
Encana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc.*
Mariana Enriquez*
Karl and Cathy Evans*
Fred and Carol Eyerman*
Nicole Farnham
Edward J. Fasano*
Donna Ferriero
Joyce Feustel
Jean and Robert Fincham
John Finegan
Byron and Anne Finnefrock
Rebecca Fischer
Steve Fisher*
Julie Fleventhal
Debra Flick
Jay and Lydia Flynn
Barbara Ford*
Steven Foster
Michael Fox
Cole Franko*
Meg Deane Franko and Fred Franko*
Dawn Frazier
Allan Fredrick
Josh and Erin Freedman*
Robert Freedman, MD*
David French
Gary Friedman*
Jonathan Fritzler
Cheyenne Frymire
William and Cheryl Futera*
Melanie Galay
Charles Galliher
Sophie Garrison*
Susan Gelbart*
Stephan Ghadaifchian*
Patricia Gibson
Alexis Giese, MD*
John Givens
Susan Goddard*
Ellen Goldfarb*
Rosalie Goldman
Alisia Gonzales
Olga Gonzalez
Travis Graves
Sarah Gray
Great-West Financial*
Harriet Greenstein
Bernadette Guerrero
Charise Gutierrez*
Norman and Pamela Haglund, PsyD*
Ashley Haliko
Mark Halter
Judith Ham
Simon Hambidge
Maria Hannon
Eldon and Marilyn Hanson*
Edward and Stephanie Harvey*
Jeff Haskins
Michael Hatjiyannis
Penny Hayes
Anna Jo Haynes*
Happy Haynes*
Mary L. Haynes*
Katie Heideman*
Jeremy Hein
Sally Herbert
Katelyn Hernandez
Tracy Herrera*
Kathleen Hester
Lael and Brianne Hester*
Carol Hildebrand
Thomas Hill
Kirstyn Hinds
Joan Ho
Cindy Hohman*
Diane Holten
George and Betsy Hoover*
Catherine Horle
Rogene Howe
Rebecca Howell
John Hughes*
Wally Hultin
Margaret and John Iaconelli
Ignite Sales Management
Jenny and Brian Immerman*
Intel Corporation
Doreta Isaacks
Susan Isabel*
Jarrad Jackson*
Lori Jackson
Jeramiah Jakubowski
Molly Janda
Johns Manville
Cheryl Johnson
Dr. Collis and Marsha Johnson*
Elizabeth Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Zoe Johnson
Peg Johnston
Bonnie Jones
Neal Jorgensen*
Tom and Sarah Kaesemeyer
Daniel Kaplan
Valerie Kaplan
Scott and Sheri Karas
Ann Katzburg
Deborah Katzburg
Judith Katzburg
Debby Kaufman
Joe and Glenda Kaufman*
Susan Kay*
Matt Keillor
Moe Keller
Dr. Jane Kennedy*
Elaine Ketchum*
Shelby Kiernan*
Deanna King*
Kathleen King*
Grant Kinn*
Joshua Klopper*
Nic Kostman*
Peggy Kozal
Stein Kretsinger
Justin Kruger
Katie Kruger
Warren and Betty Kuehner*
Sally Kurtzman
Linda LaGanga*
Lyle Laird*
Mark and Julie Laitos*
Jane Ann Lake*
Teresa Lalley
Ellen Lambert*
Howard Lambert*
Brian Larson
Virginia Lawrence*
MaryBeth Lawson
Brenda Layton
Peggy Lehmann*
Holly P. Leiker*
Janie Leiser and Bernie Siebert
Anthony Leo
Owen Leonard, Jr
Judy Lepthien
Julie Leventhal
Kevin Levezu
Bradley Levin
Barbara Lewis
Rudy and Ruth Lie
Billie Lillie
David Litzau
Michelle Loader*
Karen Loeb
Jennifer Longtin
Virginia Love
Elizabeth Lucero
Cyndi Lyden
Sheila MacDonald*
Ken MacIntyre, DO
Maureen MacMillan*
Chris Maes
Lise Maes
Dennis Malone*
Brianda Mancha
Steve Manhart*
John and Suzanne Mariner*
Peggy Marks
Barbara Martin
John Martin
Stephen Masciocchi*
John Mastro
Ben and Judith May
Kathleen McCall Thompson*
Janet McCall*
Anne McCarthy
Ann McCarthy-Riley
Brigitte McClellan*
Alethea McClure
Jenna McCoppin
Jenny, Steve and Erin McCurdy*
Kathleeen McCusker
Suzanne McDonough
Anne McGihon
Linda McGoff*
Robert McGough
Denise McHugh*
Rich McLean
Clarke Mckenna
Kevin McMahon
Alaina McWhorter
Eric and Julia Meade
Alison Medina*
Michael Mercadante*
M. Milich
Charlie Miller
Ched S. Miller*
Laura Miller
Doug Milman
Jill Milstein
Ilya Minkin
Michael Misgen*
Glenda Mitchell*
Betty Moers
Cliff and Julie Moers*
Lisa Montagu*
Helen Morgan
Linda Morrison*
Phil Nash*
Debra Neeley
Mary Neighbour
Chuck and Diane Newcom
Edie Newmark
Christopher Newton
Nicole Nicotera and Ellen Winiarczyk
Alicia Nieva-Woodgate
Katharine Noble*
Chris Noonan*
Pearl Norton
Sean Novahec
Sharon O'Hara
Peg Oldham*
Dan and Stephanie Orecchio
Jennifer Ott
Alison Oyler-Mitsch
Amy Padden
Elizabeth Palmquist*
Ted Pascoe
Nimesh Patel
Natale Patterson*
Paypal Charitable Giving Fund
Maureen Perko
Deborah Perry*
Deanna H. Person*
Richard Phillips*
Bill Pierini
Daniel Pincus
Peter Pittman
Jason Pollock
James Porter
Natalie Portman-Marsh
Karen Prestia*
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church*
Prologis Foundation
James D. Pruett*
Joshua Pruyn*
Mike Pugh
Dan Pulver
Jessie Rachford
Cheryl Radke
Karla Raines
Abbas Rajabi
Denice Randall
David Ray
Michelle Ray
Paula Ray*
Dianne Reed*
Arnold and Linda Reinstein Kaplan*
Marilyn Renninger
Ralph Reschke, Jr.*
Crystal and Gary Reser
Timur Reznik*
Dawn Richard
Eric Rivedal*
Diana Roca*
John Rohe
Nathan Root
R. J. Ross*
The Rotberg/Comens/Booth Foundation*
Jack and Lisa Rouff*
Lisa Roy*
Michael Rudnick
Joanne Rudoff*
Leland Rudofsky
Julia Ryan
Eric and Rita Sadler*
Hubert and Marilyn Safran
Toni and Jonathan Saiber*
James and Oriana Sanchez*
Mary Sandoval
Richard Sanford, Jr.
Kristen Sarvis*
David Sass
Garrett and Samantha Scallon
Andrew and Crystal Scharlott*
Hannah Schechter, PhD*
Cathy Schmelter*
Kara Schmitt*
Sara Schmitt
Tom Schneider
Carson Scott
Dagny Scott
Malinda Scott*
Ann Selling*
Kim Sheldon
Ira and Nancy Sherman*
Corinne Siekert
Mary J. Simon*
Jill Skinner
Robert and Tiffany Smink*
Curtis Smith*
Dawn Smith
Janet Smith
Mattson Smith
Shelly Smith-Acuna*
Kimberly Smolka
Cynthia Somers*
Judith Spendelow*
Marilyn Spinner
Stefan and Andrea Stein
John Stewart
Douglas Stone
Shannon Stone*
Emily Strong
Peggy Struzeski Griffith and Kevin Struzeski
Denise StVrain Perkins
Shannon Sullivan Spinney
Bridget Sullivan*
Andrew Swanson
Allisyn Swartz
Stephen Szablya
Francis Szoka
Ayelet Talmi
James Tanzillo
Barbara and Missy Tasky
Mary and John Telford
Robert Templer
Gordon Tewell*
Jane Thalman*
Charles Thompson*
Mary Thoms*
Bruce and Penelope Thron-Weber*
Sandra Thurmond
McClain Reinhart Toll
Roy and Jaynie Toma
Ellen Toomey-Hale*
Susan Trickett*
Coleen Truax*
Dr. Mark Trubowitz*
Bernice Trujillo
Michael Tsapakos
Alyce Urice*
Scott Utash
John and Diane Valvano*
Barbara Van Horne
Andrea Vansteenhouse
Amy VanTine
Silvia Vergani
Dianna Vigil
Misty Vogel
Julie Von Tilius*
Heather Wagner
Katherine Walker
Peter Wall*
Diana Walstrom*
David Walters
Daniel and Ami Warner
Steve Warren*
Lauren and Ethan Watel*
Ann Tyler Watlington*
Jeanette Waxmonsky*
Leon and Marysue Wechsler
Laura Wegscheid*
Kenneth Weil*
Judith Weingarten*
Brad Weinig
Stephen Werner
Aaron West
Michele Wheeler*
Jeff White
Melissa Whitmer
Wendy Wilbanks*
Marla J. Williams*
Justin and Courtney Wimbish*
Brian Windley
Sam Winfrey*
Brett Winingham
Tara and Ed Witterholt
Annie Wohlgenant*
William Wright, IV
Alison Yeager*
Patricia Yeager
Sook Wah Yee
Tom Yondorf
Brad Young*
John Young
Your Cause Sports*
Jianping Yu
Noah Zaitlen
$500 to $999
Anonymous (1)
Archbishop's Guild*
James Bickell
Robert Bremer*
Armistead Browning*
Beth Coleman*
Melissa Colsman*
Community First Foundation*
The COMP Consulting Companies, LLC*
Raymond Deeny
Phalisa Dobson-Wilson
David Garabed
Anne Hayes
Jim Hebets
Howard and Barbara Holme*
Carm Huntress*
Ann Jones*
Kaiser Permanente*
Joe and Melanie Kelloff*
Sue T. Kilgore
Jon Lehmann
Dan Mason
Joy Meadows*
Bill Milnor*
Stefan and Brenda Mokrohisky*
Peggy Nelson*
Angela and Michael Oakley*
William Ohs*
Karin Ostlund*
Kris Owen*
Pinnacol Assurance*
Cynthia Rasmussen*
Ryan Reiff
Judy Riendeau
Julius Romagnoli
Cherie and David Root
RxPlus Pharmacies*
Marilyn Siayap*
Heather Vickles
Brad Volin and Julie Fincham
Bret Weinstein
Socorro West
Alex Wheeler*
Barbara Yondorf*
$1,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (1)
Steven Adelman
Alamo Aspen Grove, LLC
All Clear Emergency Management Group
Jandel Allen-Davis, MD*
American Heart Association
Marvena Baker-Shriver*
Cody Belzley*
Eric Black
Ann Boyd
Wesley and Linda Brown*
The Browning Group II*
Bill Burman*
Jim and Sharon Butler
Bruce Byington
Larry Byrne
Casey Frank, Esq
Career Builder*
Forrest and Germaine Cason*
Anna Castano
Adam Cayton-Holland*
Bill and Betty Charney
Carl Clark, MD*
Cheryl Clark, MD*
Colorado Access*
Confluence Insurance*
Donald Cook
Donald and Diana Curry-McGuirk*
Edward Dauer
Davis Partnership Architects*
Robert DeMonbrun*
The Denver Foundation*
Denver/Cherry Creek Rotary Foundation
Digitech Systems, Inc.*
Angelo DiLullo*
The Douglass Foundation*
Mark Dresser
Ric Durity and Robert Phillips*
Christine and Thomas Engleby*
Enterprise Community Investment*
Charles and Marty Everill*
Susan Fayad and David Brunell*
Fidelity Charitable
Freeman Family Foundation*
Gates Capital Corporation*
Mark Groshek, MD*
Laurence S. Goldstein*
Robin Gugel
Sue Hahn*
Russell Haskell*
Hayes Family Foundation
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Elizabeth and Steve Holtze*
Dale and Patti Howell*
IE Connect, LLC*
Joy Johnson*
Key Bank
Melly Kinnard*
John Robert Klug
Donna Kornfeld*
LiveWell Colorado
Hal and Ann Logan*
The M.B. Glassman Foundation
Annie McCullough*
Rosemary McManis*
Ray Merenstein and Ilana Steinberg*
Magen Michelli*
Bruce and Kristi Mock*
Bob Nelson*
Cynthia Nelson*
Real Capital Solutions
Governor Bill and Jeannie Ritter*
Rollie R. Kelley Family Foundation Fund
Rotary Club of Denver Southeast*
Tracey Roxby*
Bruce Schroffel
Security Central, Inc.*
Sherman and Howard, LLC*
Richard S. Simms, PC*
SM Energy Company
Edie and Bill Sonn*
Source Office and Technology*
Paul and Tish Szurek
Elizabeth Tanji*
University of Denver
Graduate School of Professional Psychology*
Les Wallace*
Steve Walters
Wes Williams and Julie Wolf*
David Younggren*
$10,000 to $99,999
Aegon Transamerica Foundation*
Better Way Foundation
The Butler Family Fund of The Denver Foundation*
Citywide Banks*
Community Health Charities*
Ze and Dick Deane/Deane Family Fund*
The Denver Foundation - Colorado Health Access Fund*
Gary Community Investments*
Dr. Nancy and Mr. Sam Gary**
Invest in Kids
Larrk Foundation
Steven and Diane Levine*
Netsmart Technologies, Inc.*
The Colorado Health Foundation*
Luff Family Fund
The Piton Investment Fund*
Rose Community Foundation*
Bob and Pamela Troyer, PhD*
Governmental & Organizational Support
Boston University
Children's Farms of America
Colorado 2nd Judicial District
Denver Adult Probation
Colorado Access
Colorado Aquaponics
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Colorado Crisis Services
Colorado Dept of Corrections
Colorado Dept of Education
Colorado Dept of Health Care Policy and Financing
Colorado Dept of Human Services
• Colorado Commission for the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
• Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
• Division of Youth Corrections
• Office of Behavioral Health
• Office of Early Childhood
Colorado Dept of Local Affairs
Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment
Colorado Children's Trust Fund
Colorado Health Foundation
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center
Corporation for Supportive Housing
Denver Community Planning and Development
Denver Crime Prevention and Control Commission
Denver Dept of Environmental Health
Office of HIV Resources
Denver Dept of Human Services
• Division of Behavioral Health Strategies
Denver Health Medical Center
Denver Office of Economic Development
Denver Public Library
Denver Public Schools
Denver Sheriff's Department
Denver’s Road Home
Kids in Need of Dentistry
Mo' Betta Green Marketplace
National Council for Behavioral Health
Netsmart Technologies, Inc.
People's Community Food Projects
The Piton Foundation
Project Return Peer Support Network
Rollie R. Kelly Foundation
Rose Community Foundation
Saint Anthony’s Episcopal Church
Sewall Child Development Center
Sprout City Farms
Transamerica Foundation
University of Denver, Colorado Seminary
University of Denver, Dept of Psychology
University of Denver,
Graduate School of Social Work
US Dept of Health and Human Services
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
US Dept of Housing and Urban Development
During 2017, significant in-kind goods were given to the WellPower’s resource centers by individuals, groups and businesses throughout the community. These generous donations help ensure that the people we serve have access to a wide variety of food, household products, clothing and other items.
We would also like to thank the many donors to our Gifts of Joy Holiday Gift Drive. Donations of cash, gift cards and toys helped bring the holiday spirit to people of all ages who receive treatment at the WellPower.
We regret any omissions or errors.
*Multi-Year Donor
Gifts of Hope Society in Bold