Talk to someone who actually gets it.
Online Therapy in Denver and throughout Colorado
Connect online with a therapist or professional counselor in minutes.
Or leave your contact info and get a follow up when you're free.
Available 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
For adults 18 years and older in Colorado. Under 18? Check out I Matter.
Online Therapy in Denver and throughout Colorado
Connect online with a therapist or professional counselor in minutes.
Or leave your contact info and get a follow up when you're free.
Available 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
For adults 18 years and older in Colorado. Under 18? Check out I Matter.
Here's how it works - Connect online with a therapist or counselor
Here's how it works - Connect online with a therapist or counselor
No appointments or commitment
Hop online anytime between 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday - no need to coordinate your calendar or sign up for a "free trial"
No appointments or commitment
Hop online anytime between 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday - no need to coordinate your calendar or sign up for a "free trial"
Your personal info is protected by HIPAA and our professional privacy standards - you won't be added to any marketing lists
100% confidential
100% confidential
Your personal info is protected by HIPAA and our professional privacy standards - you won't be added to any marketing lists
What people are saying about TherapyDirect online counseling
"I've seen a change in my son, and he is more himself than he has been in months."
- Diana
"It felt really good just to talk with someone today. This really helped."
- Jonathan
"It felt miraculous to connect with somebody so quickly."
- Stephanie
Where we came from: Online therapy with TherapyDirect
At WellPower, we believe everyone deserves the support they need to live their best life. So when we saw a gap in mental health - between crisis services and long-term therapy - we knew we needed to step up.
That's why we created TherapyDirect - all online, on-demand, therapists and peer specialists who are dedicated to meeting people where they are. With other better-known options, there's always some kind of catch - it's expensive, it takes a while to get an appointment, it uses your data for marketing - so we wanted to make sure that TherapyDirect didn't involve any hidden strings.
- We secured funding for this innovative model through a federal grant, which covered our costs and allowed us to focus on care over revenue.
- We used our nonprofit healthcare values to protect confidentiality, which means we'll never use personal health information for marketing.
- We got out into the community to build relationships and connect face-to-face, which helped us lead with transparency and authenticity.
Since the introduction of TherapyDirect in 2022, we've helped hundreds of people across the Denver metro and beyond - people who just received a cancer diagnosis, people who knew they needed help but didn't know where to go, people who just wanted to see if therapy might be right for them. And while the program has grown, we are still committed to the same values that got us into this space in the first place: meeting people where they are, on their terms, in a way that is transparent and accessible.
We have time and space for you. Whenever you're ready, we're here for you.
We're here for you whenever you're ready.
Prefer to talk later? No worries - get an email or call when it's best for you.
Available 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
For adults 18 years and older in Colorado. Under 18? Check out I Matter.
We're here for you whenever you're ready.
Prefer to talk later? No worries - get an email or call when it's best for you.
Available 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
For adults 18 years and older in Colorado. Under 18? Check out I Matter.
Frequently Asked Questions
What to expect with online therapy through TherapyDirect
English with ASL interpretation
Interested in mental health? (We are too)
Here are a few recent posts from our experts:
Need Help Now? Call 1-844-493-TALK (8255)
If you are in crisis or need help dealing with one, call this toll-free number 1-844-493-TALK (8255) to speak to a trained professional or text TALK to 38255.
Visit a Walk-In Center
Colorado Crisis Services operates 6 walk-in crisis centers across metro Denver. These centers are open 24/7, and offer confidential, in-person crisis support, information and referrals to anyone in need. Click here for more information.