The Recovery Center
About The Recovery Center
The Recovery Center is dedicated to mental and physical healing, enriching lives and minds by focusing on strengths and recovery.
Our state of the art facility alleviates overcrowding, expands access to services and streamlines the way services are delivered.
About The Recovery Center
Find Help
Access Services with WellPower
To schedule a first-time appointment at WellPower for yourself, your child or a loved one, contact our Access Center at (303) 504-7900.
Need Help Now?
Call 1-844-493-TALK (8255)
If you are in crisis or need help dealing with one, call this toll-free number 1-844-493-TALK (8255) to speak to a trained professional or text TALK to 38255.
Visit a Walk-In Center
Colorado Crisis Services operates six walk-in crisis centers across metro Denver. These centers are open 24/7, and offer confidential, in-person crisis support, information and referrals to anyone in need. Click here for more information.
For additional information about crisis services available in Denver and through WellPower, visit our webpage at
For your convenience we offer two pharmacy locations where your medication can be picked up right after your session.