Reaching Recovery®
About Reaching Recovery
Reaching Recovery is the only statistically valid measurement-based solution to promote recovery.
“WellPower based its Reaching Recovery Program on the belief that consumers recover and their needs change over time. Their recovery-oriented services help create the condition and culture in which positive change and growth are most likely to occur.”
- Karen Milner, MD, Journey Mental Health’s Medical Director

Recovery Measures
The four recovery measures assess recovery from multiple perspectives and dimensions. When you join Reaching Recovery® you can use one or all four of the instruments to link outcomes to service effectiveness and recovery transformation. This process provides a comprehensive picture and a standardized method for examining effectiveness of services and outcomes.
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Request a Demo
Contact us to arrange a 90 minute web-based meeting that will dive into how the data is used within a value-based model to support engagement and progression towards mental health recovery. Throughout the meeting, you and your colleagues will learn how the tools and outcomes data are built into staffs’ workflow to:
- Provide clinically meaningful information for treatment planning
- Inform programmatic decisions and quality assurance
- Support your organization's mission.
Contact us at or 303-504-6582.