Right Start for Infant Mental Health

Right Start for Infant Mental Health

About Right Start for Infant Mental Health

Right Start is a mental health program for pregnant people and families with children ages birth to 5 years. We provide help when there are concerns about a child’s emotions, behavior or development, or when parenting becomes difficult.

Who We Serve:

We serve any family with a child between the ages of birth to five years who lives in Denver County, if any of the following are true:

  • You think your baby is unusually quiet or uninterested in you
  • You’re concerned about your baby's sleeping or feeding
  • You think your baby is fussy or cries too much
  • You’re worried about your young child’s temper tantrums or aggressive behavior
  • Your child is having difficulty coping with scary/traumatic events
  • You have a young child that is often sad or keeps to him/herself
  • You feel exhausted or overwhelmed by the demands of parenting

Our Services:

Our team of psychologists and therapists work exclusively with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families to offer comprehensive, trauma-informed, relationship-based interventions including:

  • Child and family therapy (talking with you about your baby)
  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
  • Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • Parent Child Groups
  • Case Management for enrolled families
  • Psychiatric evaluation

We are also able to provide services in the home or community when a higher level of care (such as more frequent or longer sessions) is needed, or when there are barriers preventing attendance in the office.

Right Start for Colorado

Right Start for Colorado is a new initiative that aims to expand infant and early childhood mental health services across Colorado communities by building statewide workforce capacity for professionals serving young children birth to 5 years of age.

Right Start for Colorado will provide no cost/ low cost trainings to clinicians and allied providers across the state on numerous infant/early childhood mental health principles and practices, including relationship-based, developmentally specific evidence-based treatments.


To schedule a first-time appointment for yourself, your child or a loved one, contact our Access Center by calling (303) 504-7900.

For more information or specific programmatic questions, please call or email Michelle Roy at:

Phone: (303) 300-6194
Email: michelle.roy@wellpower.org


Dahlia Campus for Health & Well-Being 3401 Eudora St., Denver, CO 80207